Putting your Idea into the Universe

Develop Idea:

Muhammad Ali
3 min readAug 14, 2020


I want to work for poor family’s children’s who are out of the school and cannot afford their education fee

Problem Statment:

Most of the poor families cannot provide basic education to their children.

I have two ideas and want to work on it, but what I am thinking about is which is one of the serious problems in Pakistan is the education system in Pakistan. Here what I mean the education system in Pakistan is poor family children which are cannot afford the school fees, due to which most of the poor family’s children did not go to school. And the basic education left behind due to poverty and lack of proper facilities. About 2.5 crores or more than these figures our children are out of school. One of the most important factors especially in Pakistan the education systems are not that enough good like Europe or like other countries. Most of the families live in villages in Pakistan and their families are did not give their children a proper basic education, due to some financial issues, because they are not affording the school fees and they cannot buy their books for education. And those who are good in the financial they did their complete their education and those poor families there are many students they are very talented but due to lack of facilities and no proper education fee, they left their education in the middle of his career.

In South Asia, especially in Pakistan most of the children out of the school due to poverty, twenty million children are currently not enrolled in school, of which 58 percent are female. as human beings and as a nation, we can take initiative and left those poor children and provided them a basic education to them and equal them with another student. it will good for him and his family and as well for the nation.

“A proper education that cultivates critical and independent thought is vital for the progress and development of all societies”

Buying textbooks, copies, pens, pencils, uniforms, and providing transportation are other costs that accrue in the process of a child’s education. Unable to make such payments for their children, either many parents remove their children from school or many children themselves choose to drop out to maintain their self-esteem around fellow students.


I care about the poor children they are also part of this society. they also need basic education for their lives and for their family, we should help them and motivate them and take admit them to in the schools and also provide arrange the books and other school stuff for them. I did not see these children from outside schools.

Help poor children and Society.

providing basic education to poor children and also buying school books, notebooks, pencils, and school-related stuff. which helps poor children who’re cannot afford these expenses. if we cannot provide this stuff for them they may be left their school education and it will create a very bad effect on society and as well as on their lives.

society grow up due to basic and standard education.

How does it start?

visit a different area where the most of the children's out of school due to poverty. and Identify the problems.

