My first two Weeks of Experience at Amal 📸

Muhammad Ali
8 min readOct 16, 2020


“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”

– Tony Robbins

It was COVID-19 and I was doing my internship in the hospital in the IT department. I was scrolling my Facebook from mobile and I saw in one of my university groups that Amal Fellowship admission is started, so first I go to the official website and after research, I decided I will apply for this fellowship and I submitted my application for this fellowship. After a couple of weeks, I found this email from the Amal side that you are select for fellowship and we will interview you within one week. I was so excited at that time when I saw my selection email.

And after that, I receive a message that your interview is scheduled for tomorrow.

Selection Email

a. What was the experience like?

The experience was very much interesting. It was the start of the fellowship and I was doing my internship in the IT department in the hospital. And I receive a call that you have classes at 2 PM on weekend. Doing a job and also taking classes it was quite difficult to manage the time but I managed the time. And I told my company authority that I have classes at this time, they said we have no issue you can take the classes. But still, there is one problem being the safe and isolated space for these sessions. So, most of the time I took these sessions out of our office and when was the session started, so in the office, there were also other friends so it was difficult for me to take session there. So, I went out of the office and sit on the bench in the hospital corridor. and I started taking my sessions there. And these are two pictures I am sharing that, that how much I was passionate to take these sessions in a hospital open environment.

a. What was the experience like?

The experience was very much interesting. It was the start of the fellowship and I was doing my internship in the IT department in the hospital. And I receive a call that you have classes at 2 PM on weekend. Doing a job and also taking classes it was quite difficult to manage the time but I managed the time. And I told my company authority that I have classes at this time, they said we have no issue you can take the classes. But still, there is one problem being the safe and isolated space for these sessions. So, most of the time I took these sessions out of our office and when was the session started, so in the office, there were also other friends so it was difficult for me to take session there. So, I went out of the office and sit on the bench in the hospital corridor. and I started taking my sessions there. And these are two pictures I am sharing that, that how much I was passionate to take these sessions in a hospital open environment.

Sharing the glimpse of my first two weeks journey

This second picture below reminds me of a very interesting story. I think it was the 2nd week and 2nd project work also, and it was one of the activity acts of kindness. I enjoyed a lot this activity. this was the first time to do something like this. I told my friends, that today I will bring lunch for you peoples. I told him that this is part of my project work. When they heard this, they were surprised. And then we went for lunch and after that, I told my friend to take one photo, he took this photo which is given below.

Happiness after doing for others

These pictures remind me how much I was passionate about this activity. at that time, I rushed to the stationery shop and buy color pages, color markers, pencils, and other stationery things. These things remind me of how we did the same in the school drawing classes. It was an amazing thing for me at all. And then when I was writing the Amal values on it, I was intuition and my students asked me about this what are you drawing? I said this is one of my project work activity and they were amazed that our teacher is still drawing the things on color pages. It was one of the interesting and amazing activity

Going back to old School Day

a. What were your feelings about the journey at the start?

The feeling was so excited as you know it was the first time that I am so excited about this fellowship. It was like that I am selected for a very high-pay job. But at the start the journey was amazing I still remember my colleagues asked from so many times what are these classes? What are the benefits of these classes? I told him that is all about counseling and your confident building sessions. So the starting journey was very much interesting and for me I really enjoyed it and I was so much passionate about the sessions and do not want to miss any session.

a. What were the things that you learned in the first 2 weeks?

It quite difficult for me to remember those things that I had learned in the first two weeks of the fellowship. But I am trying to figure out what were these things. So, the first one is to be punctual, and it was one of the key parts of the session. Attending the session on time was mandatory for all of us. And the second thing is when we had received the first project work so I was confused about how to do this because in the PW there were some things which were quite different and new for me, and I never did before it. And one is an online class discussion I realized that we have to first watch all videos and lectures then it will be disused in the session. At the start of the session, I was a little bit nervous and afraid of Mam Iqra and Mam Zeest's question that how to answer because I was not good at English communication. So, after knowing the dynamics of the session then I said myself okay now you can participate and you can learn so many things. And one of the most important things I learned from the first PW is an act of kindness. I told my friends that today I will bring lunch for you and they okay I told him that this is part of my project work. When they heard this, they were surprised. And after that one of my friends take some photos of that activity and I am sharing here that how I started my activity.

Act of Kindness Activity

The second which I had learned the five Amal values. And it was a great experience to learn Amal Values.

1. Honesty

2. Humility

3. Acceptance

4. Growth

5. Responsibility

Which where I think the most important values regarding whatever you are learning and doing?

a. What did you discover about yourself in this journey?

Well, this is one of my favorite parts, and also love to answer this question. The journey was quite amazing and interesting, I will never forget this journey. It was as interesting as much bachelor’s life. I found myself in this journey that you have the guts and capability to do some extra mile thing which I never did before. I am a little bit introverted and sometimes I cannot express my opinion to others. So, this fellowship tells me that you can but you have to come out from your comfort zone and this is one of the problems I have. And inshallah in future I will overcome this. When I compare myself with starting days and now so many changes came with me. The person who was afraid of the questions in the session and did not participate in the session and now he is speaking very openly and participating and doing his best. I think this what I found in this journey so much confidence comes on me.

The most important things I must mention here that fellowship tell me that how to make your superhero resume and cover letter. Before this fellowship, I had a resume but I was not like professional but after this fellowship, I make my resume very well, and secondly the cover letter, thank you Email, which were new for me. And the most interesting part of this fellowship is a mock interview, I still remember that on the interview day I want to did attend the session due to afraid of the interview, but Amal gave me so much confidence and I able to gave my interview.

Now I found myself very confident, extroverted, and very much a change fellow. And this all possible due to Amal fellowship.

And special thanks to Mam Zeest and Mam Iqra for guiding us throughout the fellowship and motivating us to come out from our comfort zone and did our best 😊😊

Thank you so much 😊

