Lessons From the Last Session: ​Taking Flight 🕊

Muhammad Ali
5 min readOct 22, 2020


“Don't cry it's over a smile, because it happened

Dr. Seuss

Taking Flight 🕊

Three months ago I started Amal career prep fellowship and 17 October 2020 was our last session and overall a windup it. I think it's a reality that every fun and productive activity has to end. but real thing is that we have to learn from it.

The last session was very informal. we were sharing our ideas and memories with each other, we felt very emotional at some points. the difference between this and other all previous sessions we have to nothing to wait for upcoming, but Mam Iqra shocked us with PW 12 :).

It’s been an amazing journey, we learned a lot from each other, I am looking forward to being a lifelong learner in the future. Before joining Amal academy, I was not familiar abut Amal Academy even on my interview day and orientation day I have not a clear idea about Amal academy. When I joined Amal, I have an idea from the first session that it would definitely bring a positive change in my personality.

I am very impressed with the Amal academy. This three-month fellowship program almost changed my outlook on life and career. In this three-month fellowship program, I meet real mentors Maam Zeest and Maam Iqra and I also made many new friends. This three-month journey was an unforgettable journey of my life.

Last Session

Amal Academy provided me a growth mindset where I enhance my interpersonal as well as professional skills. Through joining Amal, I came to know about writing a cover letter, a resume, an elevator pitch. I learned how to go the #extra mile, networking, gratitude, and how spreading positivity can help you to become a better human.

How did the session help you think about what you want to do going forward? What did you enjoy the most about this day?

It was one of my favorite session of the entire fellowship. I enjoyed so much this session. And to be very honest I do not want to left the session on time and I wanted that if the session longer it will be great because we were bounded to each other very much, and we don’t want to left each other. And most of the important part of the session is when Ma’am Zeest starts encouragement of the students and giving feedback to the fellows. I really enjoy the session, and one thing more the scavenger activity was a fun activity. overall it was a very enjoyable session for me.
Well, this session helps me so much whenever I want to go forward in my life in the future. the feedback and encouragement give us mam it was so productive and constructive and will really help me in the future.

b. What was it like to just talk and connect? Do you think it is important to connect and do things just for your emotional uplift sometimes, even without a focus on work?

Yes, it is very important to connect dots (backward ) I think something we just need to forget about the situation. and made a spell the way we don't want. I think this is best to compose our emotions and such kind of informal chitchat can reduce stress and uplift our mood and help us to regenerate our lost energy and left the moment. I will help you to come with a more fresh and enthusiastic mind.

How do you plan on keeping in touch with your Amal Family going forward?

I will connect to the Amal social media being a part of Amal alumni and by connecting our mega circle.

c. How do you intend to use what you learned in this fellowship in your future life?

I will thoroughly follow the Amal values and principles in the future. and then I will use all of the strategies and techniques by accepting challenges and opportunities and enjoyed them with a growth mindset. and this will definitely help me to learn something more.

3. Include any group pictures or videos from the session, as your readers would love to see what you talk about and it will make your blog #magical

In the middle of the session, we were divided into two teams. Team IZ and Team ZQ. then we were asked to solve the puzzles and within an answer. it was a really fun activity and I enjoyed it a lot. it is known as the Scavenger hunt. I personally enjoyed the activity a lot. I took pictures with a mirror and hanger hahahaa.

Scanvenger Activity
Team IZ

And one important thing I also mention here when Mam Zeest gives me a compliment on my smile. this really encourages me and I was happy and sad at the same moment. it was a really happy moment for me at that time, and I got emotional. Thank you so much for the encouragement and it all happened due to you.


I will make it a life-balance throughout my life journey. Because in my life learning process the role of this fellowship journey prevails on everything. I learned leadership, managerial, communication, and problem-solving skills. And I believe there should always be a time for our own self along with work, stress, problems. We should also look after ourselves throughout our daily busy routine. Because only you are responsible for your life and only you can make it better.

Thank You :)

