#Just start Your Experience

Muhammad Ali
3 min readAug 5, 2020


Here are my SMART goals

Learning Technical Course (Web Development)

2. Write down the first three tasks that you need to do immediately in order to achieve this goal.

Three tasks to achieve this goal:

  1. Complete the Assignment

2. Taking online Lectures

3. Practice on the skill.

a. What is the project/goal that you have worked on in your #JustStart project?

I have many goals in my professional life, but the ultimate project/goal is to start Learning Technical Course (Web Development)
b. Why do you have this goal?

The reason why I have this goal, it is my passion and future goal/career that I want to peruse my career in the web development area and I am working on this project for a while.
c. What were the challenges that you’ve faced in the past towards achieving this?

The first challenge is to achieving this goal to learn the course and build the skill. And most importantly practice, but I have one challenge is the time. Because I am also doing a job and this skill needs time to build your skill strong, and I am lack time to do the practice to learn this technical skill as soon as possible. This is one of the big challenges for me.
d. What was your experience completing these tasks during the week?

The experience is quite good because when you start this with attention and passion you can do anything and solve the problem easily. I have already started working on this project and completed three of the assignments of this project. The skill is interesting and I enjoyed it so much 😊

e. What were the challenges that you faced this time?
one challenge I faced this time, that I was stuck in one issue and I can not solve that issue at due time, and I was also a shortage of time. due to which I did not submit my assignment, after due I solve the issue, but the deadline was over.

f. What did you learn from this experience?

Well, I learn a lot from this experience, the first thing I mentioned here also is practice makes a man perfect. And the second thing is time management it is also important to manage your time and do the job with due time, I learnt that how to allocate your time for different tasks, on which time you have to complete the task.

g. What are the next steps?

Well, my next steps are to learn more things and more relevant material regarding this technical course, I am also taking an online class and I can also take help from YouTube to watch the course-related videos. And the second thing is practicing on this skill on a daily basis 2 to 3 hours.

