How Amal changed my life: A Beautiful Positive Reflection

Muhammad Ali
4 min readOct 8, 2020


“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.”

Thomas Paine

This quote is an inspiration for me and reminds me of my three-month journey in AMAL FELLOWSHIP.

It was time when I received an email from Amal that you are invited to Activity. this made me very much excited about the fellowship. and when I attend this activity because it was my first time attending this kind of activity at the start I was like blank that what will be in the activity and also I was a little bit nervous, that how to start a conversation. but at the end of the session, I realized that I will learn so many new things. I enjoy a lot this session very much. I am sharing the screenshot of that session. which is given below:

After the orientation, I was excited and a little bit nervous about whether I will be selected or not. but when I saw this email i overjoyed.

Selection email

I still remember my first day at Fellowship, when I was a very introverted and self-centered person. I frequently participate in group activities and in teams. Being from backward areas, I have somehow the fear of being wrongly judged and misunderstood. This thing always stops me to put my point of view in front of peoples.

Later on, time flies, and I learned AMAL Core principles which are AMAL, KHUDI, KAM KAM KAM, 1 or 1 GAYARA. And knowing myself that was a totally a new concept for me. I know, Who I am? And how I can be a better person in society.


I want to share my story. I was in my duty in the hospital. it was lunchtime and all of our fellows were busy in their work. and no one was free at that time. I was the one who was free at that time. I went out of the hospital and take a lunch for my fellows. When I came back to my duty with lunch they feel happy to see me making lunch for them. I love to help with friends, family and etc let me share why I do that, something happened that no go out beyond his job and everyone wants to stay in his job circle. It makes me feel really amazed when I helped someone.

Lunch for friends

There are a bunch of incidents that made me think about myself. I came out as the most valuable and thoughtful team player. I put trust, not in myself but also in my other fellows. At the mid of the fellowship, one of my fellows decided to quit the fellowship I came forward and counseling her. Put trust in her ask her everything will be alright. Things take some time to happen. after that, she performed very well in the rest of the fellowship.

In my journey to Amal fellowship, I have learned so many new different things. I came to know by superheroes Resume, cover letter, connecting dots, elevator pitch strength stories and areas of improvement and most importantly building and maximizing the mentorship relationship. Amal gracefully adds so many qualities in me. I showed my resume to my professor at the university, he became very happy after seeing that. he praised me a lot and I cannot forget his wonderful remarks “ Ali you have improved a lot and you are doing great, keep the good work”. then he said to me to send your resume, he will put forward different organizations.

The whole conversation made me so happy and enthusiastic. I feel proud that I did not waste my time.

How much change comes after this fellowship.

as I mentioned earlier that before this fellowship I was very introverted. but after spending time in this fellowship. changes slightly coming with me and at the end of the fellowship when I compare myself with start day and now so many changes are coming with me. and it is a good sign for me that how much changed after this fellowship. it will really help me in my future career.

Batch 148
My Mega Circle Group

What I have learned throughout the fellowship I will never forget and I will implement them throughout my life.

I enlist all things which I have learned from this fellowship.

Knowing yourself



Superheroes resume

Cover letter

Elevator pitch

Thank you for the email

How to find the best mentor?

These are the main important points which I think most important for me.

Thank You So Much, Amal;)

